The flower is the plant part where seeds are made to make more plants of its type. There are many different types of flowers, however they all have four basic parts; the petals, the sepals, the carpel and the stamen. The main parts of a flower that are important for its function are its male and female parts, the carpel and the
Petals are the most visually attractive parts of the flower. Petals grow in all colors and in a wide range of styles and shapes and the function is to attract insects to enter the center of the flower. In addition to vibrant colors, petals are often pleasantly scented.
2.Carpel Parts: Stigma and Style
The stigma and style are two of the four parts that make up the carpel part of the flower, which is the flower's female part. The stigma is located at the top of the style, and it is very sticky so that pollen will stick to it.
The style is located at the base of the stigma and its function is to widen the gap between the stigma and the plant's ovary, to prevent overpollination.
3.Carpel Parts: Ovary and Ovule
The other two parts of the carpel are the ovary and the ovule. The ovary houses the ovule. Fertilization of the flower converts the ovary into the fruit and the ovule into the fruit's seed.
4.Receptacle and Peduncle
The flower is attached to the peduncle--the flower stalk--by the receptacle. The flower stalk is responsible for giving the flowering plant elevation and support, so that it is not destroyed by contact with the ground and insects.
Flowering plants produce nectar to attract insects to it, so that the insects can assist in the pollination process. The nectary is the flower part that stores the flower's sweet nectar.
At the base of the flower is a leaf-like part. This is the sepal, which is responsible for protecting the budding flower from damage in its infancy stage. The sepal also graciously cradles the mature flower at its base.
The stamen of a flower is the flower's male part. It is composed of two parts, the filament and the anther. The filament supports the anther, which is at the top of the filament. Pollen is released from the anther's pollen sacs. In pollination, the flower attracts beneficial bugs by its bright color and sweet nectar to rub against the anther's pollen sacs. As the insect moves, the pollen rubs off, either onto the stigma of the same flower, or another flower's stigma. Wind also transfers pollen from the anther to the stigma. This is the method by which flowers are fertilized.
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