definition of terms

A main idea
- is important information that tells more about the overall idea of a paragraph or section of a text.

- The main idea is the most important thing the paragraph says about the topic. The topic is what a paragraph is all about.

- are hints that the author gives to help define a difficult or unusual word. The clue may appear within the same sentence as the word to which it refers, or it may be in a preceding or subsequent sentence. Because most of your vocabulary is gained through reading, it is important that you be able to recognize and take advantage of context clues.

Types of context clues. There are at least four kinds of context clues that are quite common.

A synonym, or word with the same meaning, is used in the sentence.
My opponent's argument is fallacious, misleading – plain wrong.

A word or group of words that has the opposite meaning reveals the meaning of an unknown term.
Although some men are loquacious, others hardly talk at all.

The unknown word is explained within the sentence or in a sentence immediately preceding.
The patient is so somnolent that she requires medication to help her stay awake for more than a short time.

Specific examples are used to define the term.
Celestial bodies, such as the sun, moon, and stars, are governed by predictable laws.
Read the following sentences and define the bolded word based on the context clue. Then identify which of the four types of clues is used.
The girl who used to be very vociferous doesn't talk much anymore.
Pedagogical institutions, including high schools, kindergartens, and colleges, require community support to function efficiently.
He was so parsimonious that he refused to give his own sons the few pennies they needed to buy pencils for school. It truly hurt him to part with his money.
His pertinacity, or stubbornness, is the cause of most of his trouble.
Rather than be involved in clandestine meetings, they did everything quite openly.
Ecclesiastics, such as priests, ministers, and pastors, should set models of behavior for their congregants.
The girl was churlish – rude, sullen and absolutely ill-mannered.
Because the conflagration was aided by wind, it was so destructive that every building in the area was completely burned to the ground.
Joffe, Irwin L. Opportunity for Successful Reading, 8th ed. Belmont: Wadsworth, 1997.

Type of Context Clue–antonymdefinition of vociferous–talkative; outspoken
Type of Context Clue–example definition of pedagogical–having to do with teaching
Type of Context Clue–explanation definition of parsimonious–stingy; tightfisted
Type of Context Clue–synonym definition of pertinacity–mulish; stubborn
Type of Context Clue–antonymdefinition of clandestine–secret; hidden
Type of Context Clue–example definition of ecclesiastics–member of the clergy
Type of Context Clue–synonymdefinition of sullen–rude
Type of Context Clue–explanation definition of conflagration–fire

Cause and effect
- refers to the philosophical concept of causality.

Compare and contrast
- To set in opposition, or over against, in order to show the differences between, or the comparative excellences and defects of; to compare by difference or contrariety of qualities; as, to contrast the present with the past.

The supporting details
- give more information about the topic. They are not as general as the main idea. Instead, they help the reader understand more about the main idea.

Raise Your Academic Performance

Academic knowledge gets you ahead in a competitive world.

Academic performance really means three things: The ability to study and remember facts, being able to study effectively and see how facts fit together and form larger patterns of knowledge and being able to think for yourself in relation to facts and thirdly being able to communicate your knowledge verbally or down on paper.

Good academic performance is also linked having good organizational skills such as a tidy place to work and good time management. And these are all things you need to consider.

But this 'raise your academic performance' session focuses and concentrates on you having the right mind-set for raising your academic performance so you can learn more effectively. When you relax then your mind becomes more absorbent and able to learn.

You also need confidence that you can be smarter and have faith that your perceptions and ides are as good as if not better than many other people's.